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Sampling Activities

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Sediment Investigations

Low Resolution Coring (LRC) Supplemental Sampling Program (SSP) 2 [September to October 2013]

The 2013 LRC SSP2 was conducted to supplement the 2008 LRC data. Low resolution cores, high resolution cores, and surface grab samples were collected from 76 locations between RM 7 and RM 14 during the LRC SSP2. Additionally, sediment probing was performed in seven areas between RM 8.3 and RM 14.0 of the LPR and in the Third River. Click here to download the LRC SSP2 QAPP.  Due to the combined document size of the LRC SSP2 report, several files are provided in the Digital Library under Sampling\Passaic River for a more efficient downloading experience.

Freshwater Reference Sediment Quality Triad (SQT) and Background Sediment Study [November 2012]

Surface sediment samples were collected from above Dundee Dam as part of the Freshwater Reference and Background Conditions Study at 24 SQT locations and at 16 chemistry-only locations to provide background concentrations and reference data to support the baseline risk assessments. Click here  to download the QAPP and here to download the report. Click here to download the sediment toxicity reference report.

LRC SSP [January to February 2012]

The 2012 LRC SSP was conducted to supplement the 2008 LRC data. Low resolution cores, high resolution cores, and surface grab samples were collected from 85 locations between RM 4 and RM 13 during the LRC SSP. Click here to download the LRC SSP QAPP. Due to the combined document size of the LRC SSP report, several files are provided in the Digital Library under Sampling\Passaic River for a more efficient downloading experience.

Benthic Program Surface Sediment and SQT Sampling [October to November 2009; August 2010]

Sediment toxicity, tissue contaminant concentrations, and bioaccumulation, surface sediment samples were collected from 111 locations (98 for SQT) in fall 2009, concurrent with studies of benthic communities. In addition, concurrent with sampling of benthic forage fish tissue contaminant concentrations, surface sediment samples were collected in summer 2010 from 21 locations. Click here to download the report.

LRC Program [July to December 2008]

The 2008 LRC field program was conducted to characterize surface and subsurface sediments throughout the LPR. Sediment probing was conducted between RM 8.5 and RM 12.3 at 111 locations to provide a more detailed assessment of the areal extent and thickness of sediment deposits. Click here to download the report.

Surface Water Investigations

Chemical Water Column Monitoring (CWCM) – High Volume (HV) [December 2012 to June 2013]

The CWCM – HV program was conducted to characterize solid-phase and dissolved-phase concentrations of PCB congeners and PCDD/PCDFs in the LPRSA and the NBSA. Click here to download the HV QAPP. The report can be found here and the appendices here.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Study [August to December 2012]

A 120-day DO monitoring program was performed to characterize DO concentrations in LPRSA and above Dundee Dam during periods of low freshwater flow in support of the BERA. Click here to download the QAPP and here to download the report.

CWCM – Small Volume (SV) [August 2011 to June 2013]

The CWCM – SV program was performed to provide spatial coverage for chemical analysis in the LPRSA and NBSA and to identify the limit of the saltwater incursion in the LPR under routine, high flow and low flow/spring tide conditions. Click here to download the QAPP and here to download the report.

Physical Water Column Monitoring (PWCM) [October 2009 to November 2010]

The PWCM was performed to collect the data necessary to characterize estuarine dynamics and movement of suspended sediments in the LPR and Newark Bay. Click here to download the report.

Ecological Investigations

Background Fish Tissue Survey [October 2012]

Fish tissue samples were collected from above Dundee Dam in 2012 to characterize contaminant concentrations in biota upstream of the LPRSA for use in the baseline risk assessments. Click here to download the QAPP and here to download the report.

Caged Bivalve Study [March to June 2011]

90-day in situ caged bivalve study was conducted in spring 2011 to evaluate the potential for caged bivalves to be used for long-term monitoring of chemicals near the bottom of the water column. Click here to download the report.

Habitat Identification Survey [September 2010]

The 2010 habitat identification survey was conducted to characterize shoreline habitat types and shoreline conditions throughout the LPRSA and select tributaries. Click here to download the report.

Avian Community Survey [Summer/Fall 2010; Winter/Spring 2011]

Four seasonal bird surveys were conducted to characterize the seasonal use of river zones and habitats by the avian community throughout the LPRSA in the summer (August 2010), fall (October 2010), winter (January 2011), and spring (May 2011) seasons. Click here to download the summer/fall 2010 report and here for the winter/spring 2011 report.

Small Forage Fish Tissue Collection [Spring and Summer 2010]

Fish community surveys were conducted to assess the overall health of fish populations in the LPRSA in spring and summer 2010. Click here to download the report.

Fish and Decapod Tissue Collection [August to September 2009; May and September 2010]

Fish and decapod (i.e., crab) tissue data were collected to evaluate ecological and human health risks throughout the LPRSA during August and September 2009 and between May and September 2010. Click here to download the 2009 report and here to download the 2010 report.

Benthic Community Surveys [Fall 2009; Spring/Summer 2010]

Benthic invertebrate community surveys were conducted to evaluate seasonal changes in the benthic invertebrate community structure in the LPRSA. The survey locations were co located with samples collected for sediment chemistry and toxicity testing. Click here to download the 2009 report and here to download the 2010 report.

Surface Sediment Chemical Analyses and Benthic Invertebrate Toxicity and Bioaccumulation Testing Quality Assurance Project Plan [October 2009]

This report provides detailed procedures for conducting the second biota sampling events, which will focus on surface sediments and benthic invertebrates. It includes information such as the sample locations and numbers, the sampling techniques that will be utilized, and the laboratories and methods that will be used to analyze the samples. The plan is consistent with the overall roadmap presented in the Problem Formulation Document, which was prepared for the 17-mile RI/FS (July 2009). The data will be used to prepare the human health and ecological risk assessments. Due to the size of the entire document, several files are provided for ease in downloading:

  • Main report including attachments: Click here (4MB PDF)
  • Figure 1a Proposed Benthic Sampling Locations: Click here (0.5MB PDF)
  • Figure 1b Proposed Benthic Sampling Locations: Click here (0.5MB PDF)
  • Figure 1c Proposed Benthic Sampling Locations: Click here (0.5MB PDF)
  • Laboratory SOPs M1-M9: Click here (4MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs M10-M13: Click here (7MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs M14-M24: Click here (4MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs M25-M27: Click here (4MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs M28-M35: Click here (6MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs M36-M42: Click here (0.2MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs M43-M49: Click here (4MB zip)
  • Errata on QAPP dated December 10, 2009 (Click here, 0.1MB) and Revised SOPs (Click here, 3MB)

Fish/Decapod Tissue Chemistry Analysis and Fish Community Survey :

The Quality Assurance Project Plan provides detailed procedures for conducting sampling on fish and decapods. It includes information such as the sample locations and numbers, the sampling techniques that will be utilized, and the laboratories and methods that will be used to analyze the samples. The plan is consistent with the overall roadmap presented in the Problem Formulation Document which was prepared for the 17-mile RI/FS (July 2009). The data will be used to prepare the human health and ecological risk assessments. Due to the size of the entire document, several files are provided for ease in downloading:

  • Main report: Click here (3MB PDF file; includes Attachments A-P, S, and V-W)
  • Figure 1 Lower Passaic River Study Area: Click here (10MB PDF)
  • Figure 2 Historical Community Survey Locations: Click here (1MB PDF)
  • Figure 3 Proposed Sampling Locations: Click here (1MB PDF)
  • Attachment Q - Sampling Design: Click here (1MB PDF)
  • Attachment R - Health and Safety Plan: Click here (1MB PDF)
  • Attachment U - Laboratory Certifications: Click here (9MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs T1-T9: Click here (4MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs T10-T12: Click here (4MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs T13-T21: Click here (3MB zip)
  • Laboratory SOPs T22-T27: Click here (2MB zip)

Cooperating Parties Group (CPG) Sediment Sampling Work Plan [July 2008]:

A group of 73 companies, named the CPG, has taken over implementation of the 17-mile study (Superfund program side), under EPA oversight. This Work Plan describes the first comprehensive sampling of the sediments of the 17-mile study area. Maps of the sample locations (click here), field procedures (click here) and an investigation into how PCBs move from sediment particles into water (click here) are also included. The work described in these documents is scheduled to be done in the Summer-Fall of 2008. Each of these files is very large, so please allow some time for downloading them.

Work Plan, Maps and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) [August 2005]:
This Work Plan presents a united overview of the sampling activities and other investigations being conducted for the Lower Passaic River Restoration Project. This Work Plan is a dynamic document that will be amended as the project evolves and additional work phases are planned. Individual activities presented in the Work Plan are described in more detail in their own field sampling plans, as shown below. Attachment B to the Work Plan, the Geochemical Evaluation (Step 1) is provided on the Conceptual Site Model Page of this website Also available is a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that details the planning processes for collecting data and describes the quality assurance and quality control activities developed for this project.

Dundee Lake Sediment Coring [December 2006-January 2007]: This survey collected sediment cores from above Dundee Dam and will analyze them for a number of contaminants, including dioxins, PCBs, metals, PAHs, and pesticides. The data will be used to determine the depositional history and concentration of contaminants in the sediments above Dundee Dam. To review the QAPP amendment for this work, click here. To view the QAPP amendment dated March 6, 2007, click here.

Hydrodynamic Survey [July 2004-July 2005]:
This survey measures how the river flows, how sediments move, and how the water's salinity and temperature change with the tides throughout the year. The survey is being done in two coordinated phases: 1) data collected in the lower 6 miles of the river are being used to help predict how sediments might be transported during the Dredging Pilot; 2) data collected in the upper 11 miles of the river are being combined with the data collected in the lower 6 miles for use in an overall effort to model how sediments and contaminants move throughout the 17-miles of the river. To review the work plan for Phase I, click here . To review the work plan for Phase II, click here

To download the hydrodynamic data that was collected using instruments moored in the Lower Passaic River, click here and also click here for the data collected by Rutgers University. For further information regarding data collected by Rutgers University click here

Please consider the following data quality parameters when using the downloaded hydrodynamic data:

  • For the data collected in the lower 6 miles of the river, final positioning of the moorings differed from proposed locations. In some instances, sensor arrays were recovered several hundred meters downstream of the original deployment location. To review the final coordinates for each mooring included in the survey, click here.
  • For the data collected in the upper 11 miles of the river, users should note that the sensors, particularly the pressure sensors, were not replaced at precisely equivalent depths throughout the survey, following regular retrieval and data download/battery replacement. Care should be taken when multiple mooring results are to be compared, even from the same mooring location.
  • The acoustic doppler current profile (ADCP) data from mooring no. 1 could not be retrieved due to sensor corruption. To view/reduce any of the ADCP data, users must download the sensor manufacturer's post-processing software tools for the RBR Logger at the following link: http://www.rbr-global.com/software.htm.

Bathymetric Survey [October 2004]:
This survey measures how deep river bottom sediments are under water. The agencies will compare this year's depths to previous years' depths to show where river sediments are accumulating and where they are scouring away. Maps showing the survey results are being prepared.

Partner Agency Work Plans [2005-2006]:
The Partner Agencies implemented a number of surveys to collect sediment cores and river water samples and analyze them for a number of contaminants, including dioxins, PCBs, metals, PAHs, pesticides.  Field Sampling Plan Vol. 1 describes these surveys in detail (the attachments to this document are available upon request to Alice Yeh at yeh.alice@epa.gov).  The Partner Agencies also drafted Field Sampling Plan Volume 2 that describes biological sampling work (the figures for this document are available upon request to Alice Yeh at yeh.alice@epa.gov).  That sampling work was not completed, but Field Sampling Plan Volume 2 formed the basis for the biological sampling work done in 2009 described above. Throughout the project, surveys will bewere conducted to characterize the physical properties of the Passaic River, focusing on the candidate restoration sites in the watershed. These surveys include the bathymetric survey described above, geophysical surveys, soil investigations, cultural resource and real estate investigations, among many others. Field Sampling Plan Volume 3 describes these surveys in detail. Click here for a report of the geophysical surveys conducted in 2005.

Erosion Testing [May 2005]:
Sediment cores were collected from the Passaic River and eroded using two techniques. The data will help explain how sediments are transported by river flow under normal and storm conditions. Click here for the microcosm report (March 2006). Click here for the Sedflume report (July 2006) and here for the figures.